This hearty Chicken Tortilla Soup requires no chopping! This easy chicken soup is a cinch to throw together and perfect for even your pickiest...
These Instant Pot Refried Beans take less time than traditional refried beans and are significantly healthier than canned refried bean options. Use these step-by-step...
This easy black beans recipe is a healthy option that can be stretched into multiple meals without breaking the bank! Better yet, these Instant...
If you’re looking for a no-fuss meal with tons of flavor, you’ll love this Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken recipe! It is nearly effortless to...
This Instant Pot Mexican Rice is a delicious, easy to prepare, side dish that will be ready in only 30 minutes! Give this recipe...
Enjoy a bowl of creamy Butternut Squash Soup! This easy soup is packed with vegetables and is ready in no time! This soup is...
One-pot Chicken Poblano Soup is loaded with shredded chicken, veggies, flavorful spices, and a touch of cream. It is slightly spicy and full of...
Add this easy Buffalo Chicken Skillet recipe to your dinner lineup! It is packed with nutrition and flavor and comes together in just 30...
This Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup offers a complete meal full of crunchy tortilla strips, tender chicken, beans, and vegetables that can feed a...
This Roasted Tomatillo Salsa has a nice kick from the jalapeño and comes together in just 15 minutes. Perfect for tacos, burritos, enchiladas, and...
This Coconut Mojito recipe is the perfect fizzy cocktail to cool off on warm summer days. It is light, refreshing, and packed with delicious...
This Pan Fried Garlic Butter Cod is perfectly tender and flaky with a delicious, creamy garlic butter sauce. Make this flavor-packed fish dish in...